We immersed ourselves into the brand to be able to communicate the benefits that go into every product.

A pioneer in health products in Kigali, MyDunya started a project to design its visual identity in 2016. Working closely with their team Nomad created a unique logo and visual identity that has since been applied across its branding, website, advertising and its store. MyDunya Home is an extension of the MyDunya brand. we consulted on the instore branding to bring the MyDunya brand to life. 


With a strong new identity, MyDunya Today can continue to establish themselves as a leading provider of healthy living solutions in Rwanda.


The new site reflects the look and feel of My Dunya in order to appeal to the target market, whilst functioning as a powerful, usable reference point. The end result is super slick website that has some fantastic features and products for people looking to live a healthy lifestyle.


Through the research concept phase, a new art direction came to life for the brand, focusing on impressive hero images with sleek interactions and accessible information. The achievement was a look and feel that truly matched the product design and quality of MyDunya Home.

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